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New Year Party Night

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New Year Party Night Empty New Year Party Night

Post  amblue Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:01 am

This the first party of the New Year, everyone had been invited to gamble and party all night long by my step mom and dad. Invitations had been sent out, even to Sonny, my dad' s best friend. To my surprise Dante received an invite as well.
I want him to think only of me so I bought a sexy dress, got a pedicure, manicure, and new shoes just for this occasion with Dante's money. I want to show him what he is missing.
When I opened the door, he was speechless and stun on how I looked. We finally left the apartment, he opened the door to the limo he rented and I climb in.
We got to the party and it was in full swing. We saw Max and Diane to Steve and Olivia. After we said "Hi" to Olivia, Steve, step mom and dad, we went to the tables, so I could spent more of Dante's money.
I hope that this party went out without a hostage crisis, bomb threat, or a mob war, but in Port Charles you never know what will happen next.


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  Admin Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:28 am

Stepping onto the Haunted Star hand in hand with Lucky was like a dream come true. When I had met him I didn't think I could feel this way about someone in such a short period of time. "Look there's your sister," I say pointing across the room where Lulu is sitting with Dante.


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  amblue Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:21 am

I got done with playing at the blackjack table and won $100. I looked up and saw Siobhan and Lucky entering the Haunted Star. We went over to talk to them.
(I'm still getting use to seeing Lucky with Siobhan because I don't think he is ready for another relationship. But when I look into my brother's eyes, I see them light up whenever hes talks and is around her. I just hope she doesn't break his heart, like Liz did!)
I asked, Siobhan, do you like to gamble?


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  Something_Special Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:43 am

As Max and I are looking around the room I notice several of Port Charles' elite and was wondering what kind of disaster could we all be in for. Rarely do you have this many people in on place and not have some sort of crisis occur. As I turned to speak to Mr. Grasshopper who had just joined us and was going on and on about his memoirs I was helping him with. Just then I heard a gunshot and someone yelled "Where's Brenda?" It appears the Balken decided to make his move. Max instinctively stepped in front of me to protect me and I whispered "I told you we should have stayed home and had our own party."


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  Admin Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:10 pm

"I don't really gamble much but thought I'd give it a try," I answered.


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party

Post  amblue Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:03 am

I told her it was fun once you got the hang of it. I told her good luck! Dante and I left to play poker.
Half hour of playing we heard a shot. With this being Dante's night off, he wasn't expecting trouble. Instinctively, Dante put his arms around me to protect me. Soon after, he told me to stay with my father and he left with Jason and Lucky. I begged him not to go but he said its my duty to go. Off he went, I prayed that nothing would happen to him.
What seem like hours, only Jason and Lucky came back. I went to them and asked them, "Where Dante was?" They didn't know, by the time they arrived he was nowhere in sight. They went one way and Dante went the other way.
Jason said, that they found Sonny unconscious and Brenda gone. And no Dante.
I started to worry about Dante. I was hoping that he was okay. Where was he? Is he hurt? Did he get kidnapped by the Balkan?


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  coppertop1 Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:20 am

I had arrived ready for a fun night to party, but plans changed when I heard the gunshot.
"I'll be right back, wait here" Jason told me. He took off. I went over to Lulu and Diane and Siobhan to wait. Jason and Lucky were back but there was no sign of Dante.
"Where is Dante?" I asked "What happened?"
"Dante took off to find Brenda" Jason explained
I thought this could not be good. Dante was getting more and more involved with Brenda, even if he was supposed to be with Lulu. I went up to Lulu to try and reassure her.


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New Year Party Night Empty Re:New Years Party Night

Post  amblue Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:00 am

Sam saw that I was upset and she came over to comfort me and tell me that they would find Dante.
(I knew in my heart that we would find Dante, but in my mind I didn't really know if we would ever find him. He really never told me the whole honest truth about what happened three years ago when he was guarding her.) I had to hear it from Theo, who was their attorney for the lawsuit that the family of Alexsander's brought against them. And even now there is still more to the story than what he has told me.
We came to the New Years Party to forget, even for a night, about the Brenda's situation and his.
When I find him and things have settled down a little, I'm leave PC. for awhile. I'm going to Pennsylvania to visit my friend, Rachel. I need some time without Dante and away from Port Charles.

Last edited by amblue on Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:13 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : changing words)


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  coppertop1 Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:05 am

"Hey" I said going up to Lulu, trying to comfort her "I'm sure they'll find Dante all right. He's a cop, so he knows what he's doing. Are you worried about what's going on with him and Brenda?" I asked


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New Year Party Night Empty RE: New Years Pary Night

Post  amblue Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:09 am

Yes, I am!, answering Sam's question. I just wish that this thing was over now not later, I said.


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  coppertop1 Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:14 am

"I know the feeling" I said "There's no worse feeling than when there are secrets between a couple. I remember what it was like with Jason"
Just then, Carly came up with the smuggest look imagineable smirking at Lulu. I felt like punching her


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  Something_Special Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:07 am

Max went to Sonny once he knew the danger had passed. Sonny was a wreck, worried about Brenda and his son Dante. I tried to be the voice of calm and reason but Sonny was going off the rails. I suggested he go over to Lulu and try to calm her. Sonny was sure the Balken took them both but the look on Lulu's face said she didn't believe that. I followed Sonny over to Lulu and Olivia who had now joined a clearly upset Lulu. As Sonny tried to reassure Lulu and Olivia that they would get Brenda and Dante back I could tell something more was going on. "Lulu? Are you OK? Do you need some water?" I asked concerned. Just then Carly approached us with the most self satisfied look on her face. 'What was she up to now' I wondered


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  coppertop1 Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:12 am

"What, Carly?" I said, not in the mood for Carly's shenanigans. She already had snapped my last nerve once today, and was in danger of doing so again.
"See, Lulu? Think your boyfriend is a saint. . .
"Carly" Sonny interjected "Carly, that's enough. Let it go, they did what they thought was right"
"No, Sonny, they need to pay!"
"Carly! Don't do this" ordered Jason. Carly ignored her too
"Your boyfriend is just as arrogant as his father" she said smirking
"Ok, Carly, you have annoyed me for the LAST time! Back off before I do something you regret!" I shot at her.


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  Something_Special Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:23 am

'Oh my God, she's going to do this here? Now?' I thought. This is not the time or place but I knew she wasn't going to stop when she ignored Jason's plea not to do this. I braced myself for the fallout of what was about to happen. "Carly, you don't know the whole story and I'm warning you for the last time, don't say anything" Sonny ordered in a low threatening voice. Carly then blurted it out "your wonderful, honest boyfriend had a baby with Brenda!" she said with a hint of glee. The look on Lulu's face was indescribable. Sam and Jason looked at each other then turned to me as if to ask.....


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  coppertop1 Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:31 am

"Is that true?" I asked Diane. I had a feeling it wasn't. Lulu's face was that of someone who had just had their heart crushed. Sonny looked furious, and Jason did too. Lucky went over to Lulu and tried to comfort her.


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  Something_Special Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:48 am

"I really don't think we should discuss this here" I said. The look Jason gave me said differently. "it appears to be true. She found documents, with Mr. Grasshopper's help, that showed Dante's name on a birth certificate with Brenda listed as the mother" I reported. "He also found a document showing Dante had signed away his parental rites to Brenda". At that moment it looked like Lulu had been kicked to in the stomach. I couldn't tell by Sam and Jason's faces if they knew about this or not


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  coppertop1 Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:57 am

"We knew about some kind of secret, but we didn't know for sure what it was" Jason said.
That was the last straw, I marched up to Carly
"Are you happy? You broke your cousin's heart, you shattered her trust because you're in a chlidish snit? You should get a reward: Port Charles biggest hypocrite!" I spat at Carly
"I wouldn't do anything different, they deserve it"
"Oh right, because Queen Carly never does ANYTHING wrong. Well, I am NOT bowing to you anymore, Carly! Nor is anyone else! You dig your own grave! You make the mess and force people to clean up after you! Well, I hope you lose everything. Your husband, your children, everyone. Because frankly, you deserve it! I said, and I was just getting warmed up, too


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  amblue Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:42 am

Sonny, Olivia, Sam, Diane, and Lucky they all tried to comfort but I felt my whole world turned upside down by the two people I trusted the most.
Dante for not telling me "the whole truth and nothing but the truth" and breaking my trust in him.
Carly for ruining my life to satisfy her own selfish self when it was her, Sonny, and Jason's fault that Michael went to prison. They were the ones who covered the crime up not Dante. He did what he thought was right because of his experience with Brenda (but at that time I didn't know that).
All I could do is be comforted and wait for news of Dante and Brenda. Carly would get her due later and she wouldn't see it coming. I had to calm down because I have a secret to tell but the person I needed to tell first wasn't around.
I asked for a glass of water and food.

Last edited by amblue on Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:15 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : changed a word)


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  coppertop1 Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:49 am

Carly looked immensely satisfied, and I had run out of insults for her. Nothing described how much I couldn't stand that evil woman, so instead I punched her and knocked her flat. Carly looked stunned. I looked at Lucky, who just shrugged
"Did you do someting to Carly?" He asked
"Nope" I said,
"OK" he said, and turned back to Lulu.
When she got up, Sonny went off on her
"I told you that we had forgiven Dante and Lulu for sending Michael to prison!" Jason shouted "And to leave them alone, why can't you for once let sleeping dogs lie!" Why do you have to ruin everyone's life?!"
Maxie went up to Lulu as well "Are you going to be OK?" she asked


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  amblue Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:12 am

In time, I will be. Right now, I just need to be taken home. I'm not feeling well and even though I'm mad at Dante I miss him and need him back now. I just want Dante to be alright. I'll deal with Carly, later.
Maxie and Olivia quietly took me home. They helped me to bed and laid down beside me until I fell asleep.
During the night I woke up screaming, Olivia came running into my bedroom.
She asked, "if I was alright?"
I said, "No" and I started to cry. She told me everything would look better tomorrow. Little did she know....
Everything that happen that night and the secret I was keeping would change the Spencers', Falconeris', Corinthos' life forever.


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  coppertop1 Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:16 am

"I feel awful for Lulu," I told Jason and Lucky "She didn't look well"
"I know, she did love Dante. I can't believe he would hide this from her, she's been burned by so many guys" said Lucky "I can't believe Carly"
"I told her to back off, but she wouldn't listen"
"If I get charged for murdering Carly, I think I'll plead temporary insanity" I said
"No one could blame you" said Lucky
"Well, I'm off to Jake to drown my sorrows and anger" I said


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  Something_Special Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:18 am

'Well this has been one hell of a night' I thought. Carly single handedly wreck 4 peoples lives and alienated most everyone else. Jax, who witnessed Carly's actions looked her in the eyes, shook his head, turned and left without a word. Though Tracy didn't like Dante and believed he would betray Lulu, she still couldn't believe the selfishness of Carly. Tracy was truly upset for Lulu. She said something to Lulu before Olivia and Maxie took her home however no one but Lulu heard her. I looked Carly square in the eye "how dare you use me to tear people's lives apart!" I shouted. "You told me this was about protecting Sonny, Michael, Morgan and Kristina. Had I known this was a personal vendetta I would have told you to go back to the trailer park you came from! You know what Carly, should Jax decide to divorce you, I'll be more than happy to represent him pro bono!" Carly stared at me as if she didn't understand what I was upset about. "Sonny, Jason and Sam, I'm sorry for the role I played in this heinous display of selfishness and will apologize to Lulu, Dante and Brenda as soon as I can" With that I turned to Max, who was still shell shocked at the turn of events and my role in them, shook his head and asked Sonny if he wanted to leave. Sonny nodded and they both left leaving me there with Jason and Sam


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  coppertop1 Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:24 am

"It's not your fault" said Jason "You had no way of knowing Carly was planning to wreak havoc like this"
"No one did," I said "You can't predict Carly's actions. It's impossible. SHE is impossible, and selfish and...I don't have enough words, I just feel like throttling her she's so selfish!"


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  Something_Special Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:00 pm

"Thank you both/ but I feel horrible. Her poor kids, they have to deal with her daily, no wonder Michael has distanced himself from her. I heard he has a new girlfriend?"


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New Year Party Night Empty Re: New Year Party Night

Post  coppertop1 Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:06 pm

I glance over at Michael who looks just as angry as Sonny and Jason, and is yelling at Carly. Jason turns to me
"I'm done with Carly. For good. She knew how difficult it was for Lulu to trust Dante and she still ruins it. I'm not going to enable her, she is cleaning this mess up herself!" He says, he turns to Diane "Of course, I don't blame you, Diane. As Sam said there's no predicting Carly's actions. She will just have to learn to live without me"
I know Jason is dead serious. I'd be willing to bet everything I have that Jax is going to file for divorce and go for custody of the kids, as he should. Sonny is clearly livid with Carly, as well.
"Yes, Michael is dating my friend Abby. She's a great girl, I set them up when Michael told me he wanted someone special. Carly hates her, and is trying to get her off of him. Abby's quite a bit older than Michael"


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